The Ice Giant comes from the iciest ocean in Eldrador and uses a rusty anchor, which has become part of his body, as a weapon. In his back is an ancient sword, which he can hold in his mouth thanks to his movable jaw. The Ice Giant's body can be fully ro…
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The Ice Giant comes from the iciest ocean in Eldrador and uses a rusty anchor, which has become part of his body, as a weapon. In his back is an ancient sword, which he can hold in his mouth thanks to his movable jaw. The Ice Giant's body can be fully rotated and his arms are very powerful and movable.
With movable arms!
With movable jaw!
Upper body can be completely turned!
Schleich® figurines are modelled in the finest detail to help children learn while they play.
This item is part of the Eldrador® Creatures theme world and is suitable for children aged 7-12.
The Ice Giant is a worthy opponent for the Stone Monster (item no. 70141) and the Lava Smasher (item no. 70145) from Eldrador® Creatures.
Size: 23,7 x 8,5 x 14,4 cm (W x D x H)
Schleich dyr og figurer
Schleichs dyr og figurer er en sand afspejling af naturen i en mindre skala, der strækker sig fra dinosaurernes tabte verden til flotte heste, nutidens bondegårdsdyr og vilde dyr.
Friedrich Schleich grundlagde virksomheden i 1935. De nu så berømte Schleich-figurer så dagens lys for første gang i 1950'erne. Schleichs produkter udvikles med hjælp fra forældre, lærere og børn og er derfor specielt udformede til børns hænder. Schleich er tysk kvalitet, både design og en del af produktionen foregår i Tyskland. Schleich lever naturligvis op til de strengeste standarder for test og produktion, så du kan være tryg ved sikkerheden for Schleichs produkter.
Schleich dyr og figurer er produceret i skala 1:24.